





2017-至今 拉斯维加斯0567官方网站 特聘教授、博导, “青年拔尖人才A类计划”

2014-2017 德国马普所(Max-Planck-Institute) 博士后

2009-2014 德国马普所 (Max-Planck-Institute) 药理学 博士

2006-2009 拉斯维加斯0567官方网站 医学院 药理学 硕士

2002-2006 拉斯维加斯0567官方网站 医学院 药学 本科





4.国家自然科学基金面上项目, 2018, 主持;

5.德国科学基金会DFG重点项目,2012-2017, 核心科学家( Core Scientist);

6.德国ECCPS青年项目,2016-2019, 主持。


教授,博士生导师,2006年于拉斯维加斯0567官方网站药学院获理学学士学位;2009年于拉斯维加斯0567官方网站医学部获药理学硕士学位;2015年于德国马普所及法兰克福大学获分子医学博士学位;2014-2018年于德国马普所心肺所从事博士后研究,担任Group leader。2015年获得北美血管生物协会(NAVBO) Del Vecchio奖;2016获得德国微循环及血管生物协会Young Inverstigator Award和德国心脏协会Dieter-Klaus-Forde奖;2017年获得欧洲循环协会(ESM) ESM-SERVIER奖;2017年入选拉斯维加斯0567官方网站‘青年拔尖人才A类’计划;2019年获得陕西省杰出青年基金,并担任拉斯维加斯0567官方网站中德心血管联合研究中心主任;主持了一项国家自然科学基金面上项目,1项科技部战略发展项目,并在PVB等国内外重要学术会议上应邀报告12次。

在国际权威学术期刊发表研究(SCI)论文20篇,11篇影响因子>10,其中第一/通讯作者论文(SCI)共计8篇,分别发表在Nature Communications(2020,第一及通讯作者);Nature Communications(2020,通讯作者);2篇Journal of Clinical Investigation (第一作者,2015&2016)。以参与作者在European Respiratory Journal, Nature Communications, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Cardiovascular Research, J Mol Cell Cardiol, Journal of Experimental Medicine等国际权威杂志发表论文15篇,多次受邀担任elife,Nature Communications,Journal of Clinical Investigation等杂志审稿人。


1. Wang Shengpeng*; Cao Shuang; Arhatte Shuang; Li Dahui; Shi Yue; KurzSabrina; Hu Jiong; Wang Lei; Shao Jingchen; Atzberger Ann; Wang Zheng; WangChanghe; Zang Weijin; Fleming Ingrid; Wettschureck Nina; Honoré Eric;Offermanns Stefan*; Adipocyte Piezo1 mediates obesogenic adipogenesis throughthe FGF1/FGFR1 signaling pathway in mice,Nature Communications,2020,11(1):2023.(IF=12.278,First & Corresponding author)

2. Lei Wang*, ShengPeng Wang*, Yue Shi, Rui Li, Stefan Günther, Zuyi Yuan, Enqi Liu, Stefan Offermanns*,#,YAP and TAZ protect against white adipocyte cell death during obesity,Nature Communications,2020.(IF=12.278,Corresponding author)

3. Chengzhuo Li, Jin Yang, Fengshuo Xu, Didi Han, Shuai Zheng, Rahel Elishilia Kaaya,Shengpeng Wang* and Jun Lyu,A prognostic nomogram for the cancerspecific survival of patients with upper-tract urothelial carcinoma based on the Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Database,BMC Cancer,2020,20:534.(IF=2.933,Corresponding author)

4. Wang Shengpeng; Chennupati Ramesh; Kaur Harmandeep; Iring Andras;Wettschureck Andras; Offermanns Stefan*; Endothelial cation channel PIEZO1controls blood pressure by mediating flow-induced ATP release,J Clin Invest,2016,126(12):4527-4536. (IF=13.282,First author,Faculty1000特别推荐)

5. Wang Shengpeng; Iring Andras; Strilic Boris; Juarez Julian Albarran;Kaur Harmandeep; Troidl Kerstin; Tonack Sarah; Burbie Joachim C.; MuellerChrista E.; Fleming Ingrid; Lundberg Jon O.; Wettschureck Nina; OffermannsStefan*; P2Y₂ and GqG₁₁ control blood pressure by mediating endothelialmechanotransduction,J Clin Invest,2015,125(8):3077-3086. (IF=13.282,First author,Nature Review Nephrology亮点评述)

6. Wang Shengpeng; Zhang Yan; Wier W. Gil; Yu Xiaojiang; ZhaoMing; Hu Hao;Sun Lei; He Xi; Wang Youhua; Wang Bing; Zang Weijin*; Role of store-operatedCa2+ entry in adenosine-induced vasodilatation of rat small mesenteric artery,AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-HEART AND CIRCULATORY PHYSIOLOGY,2009,297(1):H347-H354. (IF=4.048,First author)

7. Kwon Hyouk Bum;Wang Shengpeng; Helker Christian S. M.; Rasouli S.Javad; Maischein Hans-Martin; Offermanns Stefan; Herzog Wiebke; Stainier DidierY. R.*; In vivo modulation of endothelial polarization by Apelin receptorsignalling,Nat Commun.,2016,7(11805):1-12.(IF=11.878)

8. Wang Shengpeng; Zang Weijin*; Kong Shanshan; Yu Xiaojiang; Sun Lei; Zhao Xinfeng; Wang Shixiang; Zheng Xiaohui*; Vasorelaxant effect of isopropyl 3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl) -2-hydroxypropanoate, a novel metabolite from Salvia miltiorrhiza, on isolated rat mesenteric artery, Eur J Pharmacol., 2008, 579(1- 3): 283-288. (IF=3.17,First author)


1. Wu Jiayuan; Zhou Quan; Pan Zhenyu; Wang Yufeng; Hu Liren; Chen Guanghua; Wang Shengpeng*; Lyu Jun*; Development and validation of a nomogram for predicting long-term overall survival in nasopharyngeal carcinoma A population-based study, Medicine, 2019, 99:4(e18974). (IF=1.87,Corresponding author)

2. Yin Wenguang; Kim Hyun Taek; Wang Shengpeng; Gunawan Felix; Li Rui; Buettner Carmen; Grohmann Beate; Sengle Gerhard; Sinner Debora; Offermanns Stefan; Stainier Didier Y R*; Fibrillin-2 is a key mediator of smooth muscle extracellular matrix homeostasis during mouse tracheal tubulogenesis, European Respiratory Journal,2019 53(3): 0-1800840. (IF=11.807)

3. Iring Andras; Jin Young June; Albarran Juarez Julian; Siragusa Mauro; W ang ShengPeng; Dancs Peter T; Nakayama Akiko; Tonack Sarah; Chen Min; Kuenne Carsten; Sokol Anna M; Guenther Stefan; Martinez Alfredo; Fleming Ingrid;Wettschureck Nina; Graumann Johannes; Weinstein Lee S; Offermanns Stefan*; Shea r stress-induced endothelial adrenomedullin signaling regulates vascular tone and blood pressure, Journal of Clinical Investigation, 2019, 129(7): 2775-2791. (IF=12.282)

4. Yin Wenguang*; Kim Hyun Taek; Wang ShengPeng; Gunawan Felix; Wang Lei; Kishimoto Keishi; Zhong Hua; Roman Dany; Preussner Jens; Guenther Stefan; Graef Viola; Buettner Carmen; Grohmann Beate; Looso Mario; Morimoto Mitsuru; Mardon Graeme; Offermanns Stefan; Stainier Didier Y R*; The potassium channel KCNJ13 is essential for smooth muscle cytoskeletal organization during mouse tracheal tubulogenesis, Nature Communications, 2018, 9(1): 0-2815. (IF=11.878)

5. Schürmann Christoph; Dienst Franziska L.; Pálfi Katalin; VasconezAndrea E.; Oo James A.; Wang ShengPeng; Buchmann Giulia K.; Offermanns Stefan;Sluis Bart van de; Leisegang Matthias S.; Günther Stefan; Humbert Patrick O.;Lee Eunjee; Zhu Jun; Weigert Andreas; Mathoor Praveen; Wittig Ilka; Kruse Christoph; Brandes Ralf P.*; The Polarity Protein Scrib Limits Atherosclerosis Development in Mice, Cardiovascular Research, 2019, 115(14): 1963-1974. (IF=7.014)

6. Liu Longzhu; He Xi; Zhao Ming; Yang Si; Wang Shengpeng; Yu Xiaojiang; Liu Jiankang; Zang Weijin*; Regulation of DNA methylation and 2-OG/TET signaling by choline alleviated cardiac hypertrophy in spontaneously hypertensive rats., J Mol Cell Cardiol, 2019, 128: 26-37. (IF=5.055)

7. Juárez Julián Albarrán; Iring Andras; Wang Shengpeng; Joseph Sayali;Grimm Myriam; Strilic Boris; Wettschureck Nina; Althoff Till F; Offermanns Stefan*; Piezo1 and Gq/G11 promote endothelial inflammation depending on flow pattern and integrin activation, Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2018, 215(10 ): 2655-2672. (IF=10.892)

8. Wirth Angela*; Wang Shengpeng; Takefuji Mikito; Tang Cong; Althoff Till F.; Schweda Frank; Wettschureck Nina; Offermanns Stefan*; Age-dependent blood pressure elevation is due to increased vascular smooth muscle tone mediated by G-protein signalling, Cardiovasc Res,2016,109(1): 131-140. (IF=7.014)

9. Wang Youhua; Tian Zhenjun; Zang Weijin; Jiang Hongke; Li Youyou; Wang Shengpeng; Chen Shengfeng*; Exercise training reduces insulin resistance in postmyocardial infarction rats, Physiological Reports, 2015, 3(4). (IF=1.005)

10. Sivaraj Kishor K.; Li Rui; Juarez Julian Albarran; Wang ShengPeng;Tischner Denise; Grimm Myriam; Swiercz Jakub M.; Offermanns Stefan; Wettschureck Nina*; Endothelial Gαq/11 is required for VEGF-induced vascular permeability and angiogenesis, Cardiovasc Res, 2015, 108(1): 171-180.(IF=7.014)

11. Althoff Till F.; Juarez Julian Albarran; Troidl Kerstin; Tang Cong; Wang Shengpeng; Wirth Angela; Takefuji Mikito; Wettschureck Nina; Offermanns Stefan*; Procontractile G protein-mediated signaling pathways antagonistically regulate smooth muscle differentiation in vascular remodeling, JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE, 2012, 209(12): 2277-2290. (IF=10.892)



