
肖正涛2017年毕业于清华大学,获得博士学位,同年赴美国杜克大学从事博士后研究工作,2021年1月加入拉斯维加斯0567官方网站,担任特聘研究员、博士生导师。入选拉斯维加斯0567官方网站“青年拔尖人才B类计划”。肖正涛博士致力于利用生物信息和系统生物学方法,通过组学数据研究肿瘤基因转录组、翻译组的调控机制,以及肿瘤代谢和表观遗传之间的相互调控机制。目前已在nature communications、 nucleic acids research、current opinion in chemical biology、genomics proteomics & bioinformatics、journal of physical chemistry C等杂志发表多篇论文。


2021.1 – 至今:特聘研究员,拉斯维加斯0567官方网站

2017.9 – 2020.12:博士后, 杜克大学药理学与癌症生物学系(导师:Jason W. Locasale)

2013.9 – 2017.7: 博士,清华大学生命科学学院(导师:杨雪瑞)


2020 杜克大学Robert J Fitzgerald Scholar Award

2016 研究生国家奖学金


1. XIAO, Z.,LOCASALE, J. W. 2021. Epigenomic links from metabolism ¾ methionine and chromatin architecture.Current Opinion in Chemical Biology,63, 11-18.

2. XIAO, Z., DAI, Z. & LOCASALE, J. W. 2019. Metabolic landscape of the tumor microenvironment at single cell resolution.Nat Commun,10,3763. (EACR’s Top10 Cancer Research Publications)

3. ZOU, Q.,XIAO, Z., HUANG, R., WANG, X., WANG, X., ZHAO, H. & YANG, X. 2019. Survey of the translation shifts in hepatocellular carcinoma with ribosome profiling.Theranostics,9,4141-4155.

4. XIAO, Z., HUANG, R., XING, X., CHEN, Y., DENG, H. & YANG, X. 2018. De novo annotation and characterization of the translatome with ribosome profiling data.Nucleic Acids Res,46,e61.

5. XIAO, Z., ZOU, Q., LIU, Y. & YANG, X. 2016. Genome-wide assessment of differential translations with ribosome profiling data.Nat Commun,7,11194.

6. WANG, Y.#, SHI, J.#, YAN, J.#,XIAO, Z., HOU, X., LU, P., HOU, S., MAO, T., LIU, W., MA, Y., ZHANG, L., YANG, X. & QI, H. 2017. Germinal-center development of memory B cells driven by IL-9 from follicular helper T cells.Nat Immunol,18,921-930. (#Contribute equally)

7. XIAO, Z.*, LOCASALE, J. W. & DAI, Z. 2020. Metabolism in the tumor microenvironment: insights from single-cell analysis.Oncoimmunology,9,1726556. (*corresponding author)

8. ZHANG, Y.#,XIAO, Z.#, ZOU, Q., FANG, J., WANG, Q., YANG, X. & GAO, N. 2017. Ribosome Profiling Reveals Genome-wide Cellular Translational Regulation upon Heat Stress in Escherichia coli.Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics,15,324-330. (#contribute equally)

9. XIAO, Z., ZHU, Q. & ZHANG, H. 2014. Identifying antibacterial targets of flavonoids by comparative genomics and molecular modeling.Open Journal of Genomics,3,1.

10. LU, M.#,XIAO, Z#*.& ZHANG, H*. 2013. Where do health benefits of flavonoids come from? Insights from flavonoid targets and their evolutionary history.Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications,434,701--704. (#contribute equally,*coresponding author)

11. XIAO, Z., WANG, X., XU, X., ZHANG, H., LI, Y. & WANG, Y. 2011. Base- and Structure-Dependent DNA Dinucleotide–Carbon Nanotube Interactions: Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Thermodynamic Analysis.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C,115,21546-21558. (Cover paper)



