一、题目:Opportunities and challenges in molecular imaging probe development from bench to bedside.


三、报告人:Jiang He, PhD 何江博士










担任三十多种国际学术刊物的评审以及6种国际学术期刊编委和客座编辑,2家高科技生物医疗技术公司的顾问,以及美国国立卫生研究院,意大利卫生部,荷兰癌症学会,及多个私立科学研究基金的特约评审。科研成果包括1项中国专利和5项美国专利(3项专利获成功应用),发表SCI文章50多篇。独立申请和主持了多项科研项目经费200多万美元,包括2项美国卫生研究院的重点和创新项目,并以主要参加人完成20多项科研课题(共2000多万美元)。2010与合作者创立生物医药公司Molecular Imaging & Therapeutics, Inc. 兼任首任首席科技官,先后获得美国政府专项资助,辉瑞制药的天使基金以及知名风险投资达2000多万美元。最新的纳米医学研究成果入选2017年弗吉尼亚大学商学院创新工场的孵化项目。

Jiang He, PhD: Associate Professor (tenure track), Department of Radiology and Medical Imaging, NCI Cancer Center, and the Institute for Nanoscale and Quantum Scientific and Technological Advanced Research (nanoSTAR), and Brain Institute at University of Virginia. He have worked on and advanced significantly the research of antibody pretargeting and antisense imaging and related nanomedicine, as well as the translational development of novel imaging agents for cancers, cardiovascular and neurological diseases that include 3 of them have been into clinical trials.

He also serves as invited reviewers for over 30 international scientific journals and editorial board member on six of them, as well as guest editor for Behavioral Neurology. He also sits on consultant panel for two biomedical high-tech companies. He is the grant reviewer for NIH, Department of Labor, Health, and Social policy, Italy, Deutch Cancer Society and other several private funding agencies. He has 1 china patent and 5 US patents (3 patents were successfully transformed into products) and is the author of more than 50 peer-review publications. He led (>2million $) or participated in more than 20 research projects funded by the China government, and US federal or private funding agencies, as well as international collaborative research program. In 2010, he and his collaborators co-founded a biomedical start-up out of the their own research work, where he also served as Chief scientific Officer, that has successfully attracted investments of over 20 million dollars from Federal agency, Angel fund of Pfizer, Inc and recently Venture Capitals. His recent research was selected by the iLAB program at UVa Darden Business School.